Under Shelf Spool Brackets \ Mid and End Pieces

Under Shelf Spool Brackets \ Mid and End Pieces


Hey Everyone! Just wanted to put this out there for anyone who wants to use it! I was in need of a good way to keep my filament off my desk and so I decided to CAD up some brackets to hold 1 inch wooden dowel. They're incredibly sturdy to the point where I think my shelf is going to fall off before the brackets break and they're designed so that you can pop the dowel off to put on or take off the spools. It comes with one end piece and one mid piece, I may in the future upload a mirrored second end piece, but for now you will have to do that yourself in your slicer, it's pretty straight forward. Hope you like it and if you make one let me know how it goes and if you ran into any problems!



