Benchy Filament Sample Carousel & Sign-Generator and Management-Excel Tool

Benchy Filament Sample Carousel & Sign-Generator and Management-Excel Tool


I'm using the Jolly #3DBenchy ( to present my filament color samples. After a while, i had a little Benchy Fleet and also a few empty spools laying around. So why don't combine both and save some space? using the Tom's 3DBenchy rudder stand V2 (12 ships) by tomulinek ( ) as a base. I added a small part where you can 2D Print (or "write" ...whatever that would be...?) a small sign. On this sign i add the original brand name ("Schlumpfblau" instead of blue, for example) and the number out of my filament-management excel sheet (also included ! ). That way, i can shoot a few fotos / make a video and the poeple can choose their favored color by number / name and not only by telling me "that purple over there, please." ...jeah, wich one?? INSTRUCTIONS: 1) fill the excel sheet with your data 2) print the "sign"-page and cut them 3) test, what tolerances you need ( 0,5 / 0,75 / 1,0mm available) 4) print some stands 5) use doublesided tape to fix them on the empty spools (i'm going with 10 ships per spool) 6) present the carusel to your customers :-)



