Anet A8 Fixed Bed Spacer with Cable Chain Guide
This is probably not so much a remix as a recreation, but (1) I got the dimensions for the original part by moving the imported STL around in OpenSCAD and (2) I'm currently running the original parts. I plan on replacing the one at the left forward corner, though, with a guide to keep the Y-axis cable chain from getting in the way of the printhead. (The chain itself is very flexible, but the wires inside? Not so much. I probably ought to replace the bed power wiring with silicone-insulated wires.) These spacers replace the springs and thumbwheels and convert your A8 from an adjustable bed to a fixed bed. You'll probably want to at least enable manual bed leveling in Marlin, though a bed-leveling sensor and automatic bed leveling would be much more convenient. Update (16 Jan 19): the spacers were looking kinda squished when I had the bed apart to fix a flaky connector, so I reprinted them with 100% infill. The cable-chain guide is still OK, though, so I'm leaving it in. The darker green cable-chain guide is Priline green PETG printed with 40% infill; the lighter green spacers are 3D Solutech transparent-green PETG printed with 100% infill.