Punkish torso / bust? Lowish Poly
Poor girl. She's missing her arms! Added a scaled up 150mm version with holes in the bottom for the included (quick and nasty tinkercad base). Dimensions: (150mm scale) Bust: 63.74 x 66.20 x 150mm Base: 65.24 x 65.72 x 12.00 (not including post height, those are +20mm x 6.10 OD) Holes in 150mm model: 5.5 x 19.5mm When I get around to trying this print my intentions are to pause the print somewhere before the top layers of the base part and add weights of some type to make a little heavier. Not that the model will weigh hardly anything, I just don't feel the need to be picking it up throughout the day from a fan or something blowing it over. Edit: Added 150mm version cut in half for smaller printers. You'll need the UPPER and LOWER and the PRIMITIVE "pin" to piece them together. Edit: Printed with no problems other than octoprint not saving my timelapse?