Harbor Freight Zurich ZR11 ODB2 Scanner Case

Harbor Freight Zurich ZR11 ODB2 Scanner Case


This is a nice, hinged case for a Harbor Freight Zurich ZR11 ODB scanner. I've only had my scanner for a few days, but it's already helped me to troubleshoot a misfire that turned up on a recent road trip. it seems to work well and the biggest complaint in the reviews is the lack of a case. It's not a fast print, so I suggest keeping the infill low (15-20%) to keep filament/printing time down. You'll need a printer capable of printing roughly 205mm in either direction. As with many of my other cases, I used long M3 screws for the hinges, but you could probably use anything around 3mm or less in diameter. The trays could likely be adjusted to work with other models, so if you have one, send me a photo and the dimensions and I'll see what I can do.



