Rain Sensor with Esp8266
This is my first try on a Rain Sensor. It´s build in modules and will later have more features. All info about the project and the esp8266 code om my homeautomation blog: https://www.automatiserar.se/projekt-regnsensor/ Link to mount example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WA6o_BQHyuQ 2019-06-07 - Added holder for Xiaomi aqara door sensor, this version works "OK", but an newer version are soon available (Current XiaomiDoorSensorHolderV2.stl) 2018-08-11 - 19:52 - Added info and remove duplicated files Those parts is needed for an water collector with no electronics: RainCollector.stl - Remeber to print it with the funnel down and support for middile and connectors! RainCollectorBase.stl Those parts is needed for the connected version with an tipper. RainCollector.stl - Remeber to print it with the funnel down and support for middile and connectors! MiddleBody.stl WatherTipper.stl MountTool.stl X 2 Optional part: RainCollectorBase.stl ( if you still want to collect water and adjust the calculations in software) Depending on your electronics and magnet this sets are used: Esp8266 Feature: ESPMount.stl ESPMagnetMount.stl ( this will be deprecated an replaced next update ) MagnetMount.stl ( this will be deprecated an replaced next update ) Nexa Feature: NexaDorrBellMount.stl NexaReedSwitchMount.stl NexaMagnetMoutn.stl Xiaomi Aqara Door sensor Feature XiaomiDoorSensorHolderV2.stl NexaMagnetMoutn.stl Please reply with tips and suggestions on more addons needed for this sensor. I’m currently thinking about adding solar panels and more sensors to the next model. Software and calculation is found on the blog // Ispep