Anet A6 Y Belt Tension Solution

Anet A6 Y Belt Tension Solution


Most Anet A6 belt tension solutions result in bending the front and rear plastic frames. This design ensures that all belt tension forces are kept away from the frame. The tension forces are carried on two threaded rods. The nylock nuts on these threaded rods should be adjusted so that the ends are pressed tightly against the plastic frames but do not bend them. I recommend and as the primary mods necessary to take the A6 to another level. On a different subject - after a lot of experimenting with bed levelling I came to the conclusion that the bed springs should only have a very small amount of tension in them. More tension simply distorts the 'H' aluminium underneath the bed. This makes bed levelling very difficult and can result in the Y bearings binding. It may be necessary to add some form of Z end stop adjustment to accommodate this. Since adopting this approach bed levelling issues have disappeared. Search 'NevG' for other designs by this author.



