LotP - "economic" Lure of the Prophets table grid
This is one the method you could use to make my boardgame grid. (update 13/8) == the number 1 have 3 minor error that give weak spot i think is better now This is the second most economic way to bring it to table, i remake it in the simplest way as a base grid where i place items and pawn, with no under support. The Lure of the Prophets game is played on a 40x40 grid and i subdivide it in 8x8 hex grid mountable, so you need to print it a lot (total of 25 of them 16x1 4x2 4x3 1x4) to have the complete gameboard. they could be glued to a rigid paper base to gain solidity. printed as usual i print (400% dimension) it fit the usual 3dprinter base (i have at the moment an anet a6 but many printers could fit it and are better than mine :D) Pro of this grid: is expandable, and is cheap in material cost cons: it's weak and is better to glue it over a tabletop rigid paper (i'm preparing a image pdf to print to have a world map under it :D). PLEASE NOTE: this is one of four parts needed to build a complete hexgrid: Consider this the most versatile and call it (1) the n.2 (north border) and n.3 (east border) with the n.4 the north-east corner are on build (coming soon). you could build the hex map with 22224 11113 11113 11113 11113 parts. - if someone request it i could build the 5x5 hexgrid for 3dprinters with less printing volume. the strongest and rigid grid table is on reshape (need to better the linking) the game is lure of the prophets (https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2947995)