Keyring for BMW vehicle

Keyring for BMW vehicle


For this thing i spent an absolute age for what seems so small in relation to my last thing! :) I was searching the site for a keyring for my own model car and could not find anything at all, which I am happier about having made this one instead which I absolutely love. I took a picture of my car, messed around with it in Photoshop to drop anything but body shape out and converted to a SVG, then in turn worked in CAD to give it some dimension and of course the keyring hole exported as 3D printable file. Print turned out beautifully, but was a little small so i have increased size by approx 10mm on the X&Y axis, 2mm thick seems to work well so left that there. I may at some point update a thicker version if this one breaks. prototype in the picture was at 20% infill but for the full strength and quality, i recommend 100% for final print. I hope you enjoy as much as i do :)






