Raspberry Pi Zero night vision camera frame

Raspberry Pi Zero night vision camera frame


Bare bones night vision camera using a Raspberry pi zero with noir camera V1/V2, a IR Infrared 36 Led ring, tripod attachment, HC-SR501 motion sensor, LM2596 DC to DC Buck Converter as a power supply for the raspberry pi zero and a 12V AA battery holder with switch. I made this as quick and dirty frame to hold a raspberry pi zero with noir camera to act as a camera trap. I have also uploaded a version without the motion sensor in case you want to use camera based motion detection such as motionEyeOS https://github.com/ccrisan/motioneyeos I kind of threw this on thingiverse in case anyone found it useful. Personally I'm done with this design and have disassembled the version I built. Basically the battery goes in the groove on the base. The camera attaches to the the ir-led ring via the adaptor. The ir-ring screws into the large hole. The motion sensor goes into the smaller hole above the leds. Then there are mounting holes beneath the led ring for a raspberry pi zero, the 5 volt regulator and a small pcb for additional electronics such as a transistor to control when the leds are switched on by the pi. pir sensor motion sensor HC-SR501 - https://www.amazon.co.uk/HiLetgo-HC-SR501-Pyroelectric-Infrared-Detector/dp/B007XQRKD4/ 12V AA battery holder with switch - https://www.amazon.co.uk/KEESIN-Battery-Plastic-Storage-Fastening-8-Solts-2-PCS/dp/B0732ZX9CR/ LM2596 DC to DC Buck Converter - https://www.amazon.co.uk/LM2596-Converter-3-0-40V-1-5-35V-Supply/dp/B01GJ0SC2C/ IR Infrared 36 Led ring - https://www.amazon.co.uk/SODIAL-Infrared-Illuminator-Security-Camera/dp/B06XCTKYSW/ Small stripboard can be used for additional electronics - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Small-Stripboard-25-64mm-Pack/dp/B01MT9JBQG M2.5/M3 screws and bolts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5x5lMFuBlLI






