Wallhalla Tester Shelf

Wallhalla Tester Shelf


Designed as a test-piece for those purchasing the fully rendered version (as pictured), this set is also a fully functional Wallhalla shelf. These pieces are fitted with a recess for a round 25mm base (far and away the most common), though the shelf sets include configurations for 20mm-70mm bases (with adapters for square bases being available) as well as non-recessed versions. I'll be [collecting free Wallhalla parts here](https://www.thingiverse.com/dutchmogul/collections/wallhalla), and if you're interested in buying full sets, you [can find them here on our storefront](http://www.illgottengames.net/products/?category=Wallhalla). Our Patreon supporters also get access to these designs, along with all of our other products. For those of you supporting us (or thinking about supporting us) on [Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/illgottengames), our patrons get special access to our store releases as they come out (not to mention license options to sell printed versions of our designs). Enjoy!



