Observer - Aerial Footage Quadcopter

Observer - Aerial Footage Quadcopter


I was using the F450 style frame from villamany for a while ( but was not very happy with the weight, vibrations on the arms and mount points for my electronics, gimbal and battery. So I started to design my own 450mm size frame with my wanted specs in mind. The plan was, to make it as stable as possible but also as light weight as possible and I think I found a good middle point. Also I decided for a slight deadcat style to get the props out of sight without moving the gimbal too much forward Hex Tube Arms will save a lot of weight and are stiffer and less responsive to vibrations and tilting and also only half the weight of the massive F450 style arms with same print settings. Total print weight should be under 230g with PLA or PETG. On top there are mount holes for the Pixhawk Damping Platform from villamany. The battery is mounted below the bottom plate with velcro straps. right and left side of the FC has zip-tie gaps to mount additional electronics like 3DR telemetry, video transmitter or receiver. The GoPro size Camera gimbal is mounted with the dampeners directly to the front plate and by removing extra screws and the top metal plate, it saves additional weight. In between the main Body Plates there is enough room to place ESCs and motor cables are routed inside the arms. You can place the ESCs inside the arms too if they are small and if they stay cool. The GPS will be mounted at the back with the GPS stand of my F450 Electronics housing. Only test ptinted a few parts for now but till end of the week I will start the full build. I plan to make some legs too as soon as i have the correct height with mounted gimbal and battery but I wanted to share it already with the community. Finally I printed and assembled the Frame. Also added some feets. Total weight with screws and feets: 260g. Sligtly over my target but acceptable for now. Update: Added some pictures of the final Copter. Already flown a few times. Works great!







R/C Vehicles