Cura Skew Compensation Post Proc Script
UPDATE 02/14/2019 -------------------------- [mauswerkz]( fixed an error in the code to fix the skew compensation in the Z axis. I've uploaded mauswerkz' fixed file. File has a date of 02/14/2019 in the files section. UPDATE 11/28/2018 -------------------------- Looks like I had a typo in the script. Thanks to user m013 for pointing it out. I've uploaded a fixed script today. UPDATE 8/15/2018 -------------------------- I've added a hand drawn diagram to show the measurements for skew that the script requires. For each side (XY, YZ, or ZX), you only need the tangent or the err & len. You don't need all three. I've also uploaded an MS Excel spreadsheet that can be used to record the skew measurements from the YACS prints. It will automatically calculate the tangents based on the diagonal measurements. -------------------------- This is a Cura Post Processing script to do skew compensation for the output gcode. This is based on the gskewer python script You should print the YACS ( model to get all the required skew measurements. See the PDF in the files area for instructions on how to calculate the err/length/tanget values required. Download the python script. Place it in the scripts folder for Cura. Restart Cura and you should see it in the list of Post Processing scripts. You can print the 40mm cube to verify that the skew is being corrected. If you want to view the gcode, use any gcode visualizer you want, such as The corrected gcode will look skewed in the gcode visualizer. But should print properly on your printer.