Ultimate64 Keyboard Mounting Brackets

Ultimate64 Keyboard Mounting Brackets


A pair of keyboard mounting brackets to fit the Ultimate64 board into an old Commodore 64C case. The left bracket as you can see in the photos I have left the supports in place, it fits over the existing case mount and is screwed in place. The right bracket fits over the PCB, rests on the joystick connector and gives space for the keyboard connector, as you can see mine is the piggy backed right angled version. When screwing the keyboard down ensure the screw doesn't pierce the keyboard wires, or use a smaller screw. These brackets work for me in my situation, I do not have original case screws but the parts should work with any similar sized screws. If in doubt the holes can be drilled a little larger. In case anyone is wondering I only have green filament at my disposal :)






