Pellet Extrusion Stirrer
30/12/2018 Added a bracket to hang the funnel from. 04/09/2018 Mahor released his marlin configuration for using an extra stepper and driver for stirring, see our discussion here: Also see ideas from the reprap community here:,831119,831229#msg-831229 This is a stirrer to stop feed stock getting stuck on its way to a pellet extruder. I built this as a found that recycled feed stock gets stuck easily as the parts are high friction. My hope is that this can be used with any pellet extruder. Printed in PETG 35% infill and the head printed in Carbon Fibre PETG 100% infill. This is made to work with a 155mm diameter funnel. However the FreeCAD file is included if you need to change it. There is lots of room for improvement to print with less material, add a slider to work with a geared DC motor like an N90 instead of a stepper and make the adjustment easier on the motor height. However this is already from my point a view a working design. I'm using it with a Mahor Pellet Extruder V3 and my own designed feeder and hosing which you can find here: