Combined "Nasties" Arrestor and Fan guard for Ender 3

Combined "Nasties" Arrestor and Fan guard for Ender 3


A one-piece, combined fan cover and debris tray that sits below the home position, and helps to keep all the crud in one easy-to-empty place. In the two weeks I've had my printer, I've noticed that lots of solidified ooze fragments collect under the home position, right above the fan. I thought this was easily taken care of when I printed off one of the many fan covers on here (terribly sorry, I don't recall whose design any more). But this still did nothing to retain the crud for disposal, and much of it ends up in the slots to the left of the motherboard box. Where it is, frankly, a right pain to get out without resorting to the vacuum! I designed it on (a very old) Sketch Up 8, and then had to play 'hunt the plugin' to get a working stl file for Cura. It doesn't use any fixings, as it pretty much stays put under its own weight. But experience has shown that 4 small rare-earth type magnets are useful to prevent it sliding around. They're cheap as chips on eBay etc. I simply fixed these on the top using cyanoacrylate. ----------------- Update: I created a version 3 with pockets on the underside for 10mm X 1 mm magnets. This was printed by Thingivers user "kokein" (thanks, Mikołaj). Unfortunately, although it's useable, the distance between the top of the magnets and the bottom of the tray is a little too close, and causes printing issues. Because of this I have temporarily withdrawn V3, pending adjustment of the files.



