1 Piece Effector for Single or Dual Extruder, Fans and 3D/BL Touch

1 Piece Effector for Single or Dual Extruder, Fans and 3D/BL Touch


Update: Added a version for a Mosquitto Extruder. Even the cheap clone seems to be an improvement. Update: Added a version for original single extruder. The combined dual extruder nozel is creating more problems usually, so I run my printer as single one again. Update: re-uploaded the model with a fixed mounting distance (was 41mm, it is now 40mm). The former version leaded to non-parallel movement on the bed. This is a one piece effector with everything what can make sense on a Delta printer.This keeps the effector as compact as possible: * Original single or dual Nozzle or Mosquito upgrade * Dual 30mm part cooling fans * BL/3D Touch Holder I am using it on a HE3D K280, but there is nothing specific to this printer here. So it should also work with others. Just make sure that your mount distance is the same as with this piece or your printing will not work well. You may can adapt it with distance rings to fit. My piece is printed with ABS, not sure if that is needed, but the fan blowers are not too far away from the nozzles. This is in production now since a few month in my printer and has improved it a lot due to it's compactness and lower weight.



