Tracing pad OpenBeam mount for 3d Printer Lighting

Tracing pad OpenBeam mount for 3d Printer Lighting


I just picked up <a href="">one of these tracing pads</a> for a project and I was impressed by the light quality. Since I was only using it for one specific project I thought it would be nice to use it for something else. I also had some <a href="">OpenBeam/MakerBeam XL parts</a> left over from another project, so I came up with some 3d bits to make a nice illumination rig. This project consists of a pad clamp with a threaded bolt to hold the pad in place, plus a baseplate foot I designed a while ago for OpenBeam stuff. CAUTION: The pad clamp is NOT designed to have the pad hang vertically! The threads are loose so it'll print easily, which means it's just "snug" not "tight". This project makes NO SENSE if you don't happen to have these parts spare because a tracing tablet costs $20 and the OpenBeam parts cost $10. There are far easier ways to light a 3d printer for less than $30. But if you happen to be in the same situation I was in this might be useful.



