HackerBox Biosense Case

HackerBox Biosense Case


This is a case for the Biosense board that came in [HackerBox #0026](https://www.instructables.com/id/HackerBox-0026-BioSense/). This case does not provide a place for the 9V battery (although it does provide a hole for the battery connector wires). To make this, you will need to print one copy of each of the board and lid cases, four copies of the buttons and two copies of the sliders. **The lid must be printed with supports**, but the others don't need them. **Be sure that your slicer only adds supports over the build plate**. Note that the lid can be printed as it comes in the file, face down, minimizing the amount of support material, but making the supported faces look a bit ugly. You can also print the lid face up, using more support material but making the visible sides much prettier. If you print the lid face up, be sure that you take your time and be very cautious when removing the support material. It is very easy to damage the lip on the locking tabs, particularly around the openings for the jacks. The tolerance between the lid and board shells is intentionally very tight, making this a bit fiddly to put together. To assemble: 1. Slip the slider pieces over the two slider switches. They'll be a bit loose. They work fine that way, but if you prefer it a bit more solid, put a small drop of superglue into the hole in the sliders before slipping them onto the switches. 2. Place the lid face down on a table and insert the four buttons into the holes for them. 3. Lay the board face down on top of the lid assembly, being sure that the jacks and the jack holes line up. 4. Holding the lid/board assembly (still face down) in one hand, take the other half of the case and hook the edge with the jack holes over the tabs on the matching end of the lid (it goes in front of the tabs). 5. Carefully and slowly work your way along the side of the case toward the opposite end, squeezing the sides of the lid while pressing the two halves together. This will be a VERY tight fit. It can be helpful to use a thin blade or spudger as a lever to help the two halves come together. 6. Press firmly around the circumference of the box to ensure the tabs are seated properly NOTE: I designed this for printing at 0.2mm layer height. I haven't tried printing at a lower layer height than that. It may work, but I can think of a couple of reasons why it may not. Buyer beware! (Printed with MakerGeek's Paul's Blue Car PLA and Push Black PLA)






