Pokemon Go Community Day #9 coin - Chikorita

Pokemon Go Community Day #9 coin - Chikorita


Update 2: Have joined the two halves and created a single coin. It will need to be rotated in your slicer to print vertically. Looks to need minimal support and you can get a lot of coins on a single print with this method. Haven't ran a test print yet but the file is yours to try if you like. CHIK coin vert print. Update: Realized the original file uploaded was set to an incorrect thickness and the coins came out a bit thin. I have corrected this to the proper 2.5mm thickness for each half. Coin made up to give away at local meet up. Coin reflects selected Pokemon for community day September 22nd 2018. Front shows Chikorita and back shows the chikorita evolution. Glue coin halves together after printing. Paint if desired.



