Gcreate Rocket LED Flame

Gcreate Rocket LED Flame


Something the original model was missing in my opinion, a cool way to make the flame light up. I used a simple _white 12v 5mm LED_. - For the wiring I suggest you use enamel copper wiring, because it's stiff and thin it can be easily pushed through the tube in the smoke model. - There isn't a slot modeled in the bottom of the smoke because it's a very polygon-heavy model and my pc had to overheat 3 times to finally make it work and have the tube inserted in meshmixer. This slot can easily be made by taking a *rotary tool* or a *small file* and cutting it out. - For the rocket you can choose any color, best not to make it too light or transparent as the light may bleed into the rocket if you do so. I prefer black for the great contrast and color combination. - For the flame I'd recommend a translucent orange, yellow or red. If you have any questions feel free to drop them in the comments below!






