Ender 3 Filament Guide **UPDATED**

Ender 3 Filament Guide **UPDATED**


Update 22/9/2019: I've added a solid wheel and pin that can be printed in lieu of a 608 bearing. This is untested for now, if you print it, let me know how it goes! This is a remix of [Holspeed's filament guide](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3052488), which is pretty darn close to perfect, and my changes are pretty minor: 1. I lowered the guide wheel a smidge, with the goal of aligning the bottom of the guide wheel tangentially with the extruder inlet. 2. I opened up a little more space around the guide wheel to prevent rubbing. 3. I added a couple fillets to the wheel's OD (also to prevent rubbing) and a chamfer on the ID to make inserting the bearing a little easier. It should be a *really* tight fit onto a 608 bearing. 4. I expanded the spacer's OD into a press fit into the bearing, and the ID into a close fit for an M4-threaded bolt. I also added chamfers to make it easier to insert a M4-threaded bolt. 5. I added a counterbore for an M4 SHCS and a pocket for an M4 nut on the other side. An M4x15 SHCS is just the right length. 6. I filleted off a lot of the sharp corners, for purely aesthetic reasons. The bracket is still a press-fit onto the z-carriage, and should slide on with moderate effort until its seated. No hardware required! Enjoy! Update 19-Jan-2020: After numerous comments about the press fit tolerance of the guide wheel, I want to point out that a) the wheel should always be printed on its side, and b) once rotated this way you can loosen the fit by scaling the model up by 2 or 3% in X and Y



