Iphone 8 plus (improved) with 15mm Case for CD Slot and Vertical/Horizontal Holder
Remix of my earlier 6 Plus design for the Iphone 8 Plus with case (Allows up to 15 mm thick by about 89mm wide) to fit into a standard cd slot. Remix this using the attached ConstructionKit.FCStd if you so desire to customize to your hearts content. Includes slot to add vertical support which is the second stl file. Weighted back allows holder to be used also on a flat surface (desk, table, etc..) when needed. Spacer in back helps to ensure that the holder does not conflict with radio dials and other dashboard controls. Circular cutouts help to improve access to radio dials and save precious filament material. Updated to be versatile with charger cord and improved tab for slot. Will continue to refine the design. Supports both horizontal and vertical position. Designed around otter commute case but will likely work for several other cases. Requests taken. Or simply remix your own using my constructor kit for Free Cad (has design broken up in parts to allow you to easily adjust the sizing) using the attached ConstructionKit.FCStd.