Cheap and easy filament storage and filament supply box with cap

Cheap and easy filament storage and filament supply box with cap


PLA / ABS filaments are very sensitive to humidity. It is necessary to store the PLA / ABS filament by placing the desiccant in a sealed storage box. However, when printing, you need to put the filament out of the storage box and put it in the moist air for several hours. I designed a box to store and supply filaments. Furthermore I designed a cap to protect the filament from humidity. And explain how to build storage box with roller and storage cap, step by step. It's cost about $8 to $10. I also attached Autodesk Fusion 360 files, so you can remix it. Version2: 1) Change length of bearing holder 102mm to 98mm. Also change length of aluminum rod length 96mm to 92mm. Because its hits lid of container. 2) After puts roller into storage box, "Fixing is not necessary. " changed to "Fix it by hotbond. Vibralation moves roller inside box."



