Vents for easy DIY Mealworm farm

Vents for easy DIY Mealworm farm


We have chickens. Thanks to my wife, they are spoiled. Spoiled rotten chickens (and wife, she's spoiled too!) I wanted to start growing our own mealworms for treats and tried a couple of different ideas with varied levels of success (and escapism!) This is my final design and it works wonderfully! Uses a Sterilite storage box (we bought them at Hobby Lobby in a 2 pack) but other stacking/locking boxes would work equally well I would think. Just print a bunch of the vents out out. Use a 7/8" spade drill bit to cut holes in the sides where you want the vents. Then just apply some hot glue and glue your vents into place. On the box that will hold beetles/worms DO NOT put in any vents, but remove the floor and replace with STEEL screen door material. I use hot glue to hold it in place (take a bit of cardboard and right after you apply the glue and smooch it down into the screen as the glue cools.) I like to tack the corners in place first before running glue down a full side (you can make it nice and taunt that way.) Arrange with a bottom box to catch waste (solid bottom and vents in sides) Middle box with worms/food (Screened bottom NO vents, the little buggers climb out!) and top off with Lid (With vents.) Now we don't have any issues with condensation in our boxes (and the cats haven't found a beetle or worm to play with in weeks!) Enjoy!






