F-Scale American, Narrow Gauge 4-4-0

F-Scale American, Narrow Gauge 4-4-0


Heavily a work in progress... Mostly, this is a re-scaling of UTJTrain's wonderful locomotive... except that it still fits on 45mm track to represent 1:20 scale so the undercarriage is being completely redesigned. I haven't decided on a drive system yet so the motor placement and gearing is still in the air. The pony truck has been completely reworked to be equalized and I will likely try to do something similar to the drivers once I settle on a drive solution. Update 8/23/2018: Now that I'm on another computer I see that the RSDOC file is pretty useless. I hadn't tried moving that file type around before so I've learned something new today. I'll fix it tonight for anyone who wants the current source files (Designspark Mechanical) to play with. Major Update 9/2/2018: I've replaced all the files due to so much changing. My current drive concept is to reuse a Bachmann Big Hauler motor I salvaged from a kitbash. I'm not certain the included gears will work yet but am printing parts to test it out.






