Ender-3 dampened Y motor holder
**TLDR:** A replacement part for Creality Ender-3 Y motor holder which gives room to install a stepper motor dampener. You'll need: - Your stock screws (conditional to the dampeners too, not only this part). - A stepper dampener, I've used this one: https://www.ebay.com/itm/5X-NEMA-17-Motor-Vibration-Damper-Shock-Absorber-for-3D-Printer-Stepper-Motor/162950162106?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649 I saw many videos on installing stepper dampeners onto the Ender-3, it looks easy for the X and Y axis, and Z/E are not so noisy so let's do it! However, unlike the videos, when I installed the dampener on the Y axis it cannot reach it's end-stop anymore, instead it [would] crash the undercarriage of the print bed into the back of the Y stepper motor. So, I made this thing to fix the problem for the Y axis! For the X axis it's okay but the timing belt gear has to be moved a bit out on the motor axle. I would like an improvement where the gear can sit close to the motor, but the part it sits on is probably a bit stressful for plastic. With X and Y dampened my printer is very silent and it's a bliss compared to before. Z and E axis still make their noise but their movement are nothing compared to X and Y. **Note:** Use at your own risk. You can adjust this to damage your belt. You can over/under-tighten the belt. If your print is somehow off you can get a collision between the print bed undercarriage and the part. If this part is printed weak it can break during a print and cause all sorts of problems.