Full colour Playstation logo for single extruder printers
This is a full colour Playstation logo. It was inspired by [AwesomeA's](https://www.thingiverse.com/AwesomeA/about) awesome designs. I have almost no experience with 3D modeling, I just converted a 2D image of the logo into a 3d model using 3D Builder for Windows 10. Then I chopped it into pieces according to colour and adjusted the height of each section by colour. To print this in the right colours you must follow these steps. 1. Resize the object to your desired size in your preferred slicer. 2. Layer height and infill are not too important. Be aware that if you use less than 100% infill you may be able to see the infill pattern when lit from behind. Use a marker or tape to prevent light from shining through. 3. Slice the model and then go to the layer preview of your preferred slicer. 4. Scroll through the layers one by one and write down the layer height for where each section starts and ends. 5. Start with yellow filament, when that section is done switch to teal or green, then blue and finally red.