Octopi touch 3.5 Raspi case + CR10 mount

Octopi touch 3.5 Raspi case + CR10 mount


To use my Raspberry Pi3B+ with Octopi on my Ender 3 I make a Case where the 3,5'' LCD-Touchscreen is stable integreated. This case could be used universal, at the bottom there are 4 holes to mount. To mount it to my Ender 3 I make this special mount. UPDATE 2018-10-23: When I decided to connect a relay board to my Raspberry, I realized that I had to set the touchscreen higher. I connected the touchscreen to the Raspberry with a pin header so I had enough space to connect the relay board to the Raspberry, too. Now, however, I have needed a higher case so the Raspberry fits in with the "touch extension". So I developed an approximately 10mm higher case with an opening on the backside to lead out the cables for the pi-cam and the relay board. I used this pin header to get space between the Raspberry-pi and the Touchscreen: https://de.aliexpress.com/item/5-Pcs-2-54mm-Pitch-2x20-Pin-40-Pin-Female-Double-Row-Long-Pin-Header-Strip/32764390565.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.381e4c4d6Zuc71 And this guide for connecting a relay board: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1428478 If you like my work, please buy me a coffee ^^ [![paypal](https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_donateCC_LG.gif)](https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=4L74MQF85CTEJ&source=url)



