Octagonal Airgun Silencer

Octagonal Airgun Silencer


This is a new silencer that I have designed is slightly more on the conventional shape compared to the other ones I designed. Like my offset silencers, it has baffles that allow spent air to divert to the holes at the back of the silencer. This reduces the report at the front, resulting in the noise not being directed at any other quarry (or the targeted quarry if you miss) waiting to be dispatched and not spooking them. Having no metal parts, the usual high pitched ping is removed resulting in a deeper toned report that is unrecognisable at greater distances. The baffle named baffle 1, has slightly less internal air volume than baffle 6. Baffle 1 is inserted first it goes upto 6. I have included 6 baffles to allow you to try out different silencing methods. Printing one with 5 baffles seems to be just about the maximum length that is practical. It having 5 baffles makes it 200mm, might not fit on some printers. So I wont make more than a 5 baffle silencer You will need to tap the adapter using a 1/2" UNF tap.



