Tardigrade gummy bear molds
Positive molds for making tardigrade/waterbear gummies. NOT HOLLOW, need to be set with a permanent mold like silicone or vacuuformed to get the negative waterbear space needed to pour candy. Currently experimenting with printing a negative mold directly. One .STL has walls for pouring silicone molds. The other is only the positive forms for pressed molds. Each mold has 30 tardigrades. Hopefully a throughput improvement on a previous version with 10 tardigrades/mold (https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1096026). Real life images are from a print of the previous version with 10 tardigrades/mold Blogpost with details from the earlier version: http://clairemcwhite.github.io/tardigrades/ Water bears sit somewhere between arthropods and nematodes on the tree of life, and spend most of their time hanging out on algae clumps and ineffectively swimming with their stubby little legs. While water bears are generally adorable, they are most notorious for their ability to survive complete dehydration, freezing, and the cold vacuum of space. In the break room one day, we realized that water bears resemble living gummy bears. Water bears. Gummy bears. I needed to make water bear gummy bears!