Open Lamp Shade
This is an OpenSCAD script to create shades for lamp sockets. Ikea makes some inexpensive ones called Hemma or Strala with LED lights that shouldn't generate too much heat. Depending on the color of your filament, you can generate some interesting patterns. The script has a Lamp A and Lamp B that can be altered with a few variables. B is the reverse twist of A. A+B is the union of each structure. Play around with the variables until you get one you like. The STL file it generates will have to be imported to your slicer and configured for vase mode. In the notes of the file, I have my measurements for two common Ikea lamp sockets. Be sure to use an LED bulb and leave it open on top. The STL is printed upside down so it has a base to hold on to the lamp socket. Be sure not to exceed your 3d Printer dimensions. Good luck!