Z84 Battery Tray

Z84 Battery Tray


This is a battery tray for the Wing Wing Z84 RC airplane. The default method of velcro and prayers simply wasn't keeping my battery in place, and my electronics were taking a beating. Put this in with plenty of glue, and add a battery strap and you should be good to go. It's sized specifically for a Turnigy 4S 1300 Graphene, and the canopy juuuust fits, but the Onshape link is below so you can change the size to match whatever battery you use. (After trying some other batteries I had lying around, the Infinity 4S 1300 Graphene fits perfectly, and leaves more room for the canopy to close) If you are going to change things, make sure you get the CG right before you glue it in! https://cad.onshape.com/documents/a8976362f9ff5c2618f15bd1/w/1ae1913510f232ccb58346a9/e/3d5059526595a8ef9ec2a770







R/C Vehicles