6 pos 6v wired R/C remote
6 pos wired remote you may be asking why 6 that is a lot of switches well the reason is my next truck in the back of my head to make is going to be a heavy equipment rotator with a working rotator boom and winch i want to use this remote on the TAMIYA King Hauler as well seems that the most favorit toys i have are the older wired remotes they are simple, only one set of battery's no looking for the stuped matching remote sinking them up way less expensave to make ecct ecct and just plain way more fun to play with there are plugs so you can use how ever many switches you want if you only nead 2 one for steering and one for drive or 4 for a back hoe the maximum number of wires that i have ever is 8 leads in telephone cable this is what i have ben using since day one so there is 2 holes for 2-8 wire output leads there is also a plug for the other hole if not needed careful of the wire you purchase that it is stranded i have used solid wire in the past but stranded us much better i have found some on ebay listed on the bottom of this page if somebody has ever found cheep multi wire more than 8 leads please let me know i have seen 10 and 20 leads but the price for this stuff is about $1500 that takes this project way out of cheep to "ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR !@#$%^& MIND HOW STUPID DO YOU THINK I AM" the switches i have found are round nob i can not seem to find these in flat again at least not in the reasonable price range i am not ordering from china it takes 2 months for stuff to get to my door from china the picture of what i have built is not complete i have not ordered the switches or wire yet so I have used standard switches as demo for the picture i was going to make a wired remote copy of my NEWBRIGHT wired remotes because i realy like those remotes but have decided to go with this tried and true design that i have ben making since the early 60s there was R/C remotes for airplanes but not on toy cars and they where very very expensive and extremely simple so i would make wood boxes like these for my toy cars much nicer in plastic parts list philmore c cell battery holder no BH243 https://www.ebay.com/itm/4-C-Battery-Holder-6V-Total-Plastic-BH243/262741130069? ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649 DPDT momentary toggle switch standard size (not micro or mini) https://www.ebay.com/itm/DPDT-Toggle-Switch-Momentary-ON-OFF-ON-AC-250V-15A-125V-20A- 5Pcs-3-Position/172978523558