SMARS LC (Lowest Cost) Stackable Module, Optional 2x 18650 battery holder
I printed this and it works as designed minus the stepper board slides are a little too loose. Please stay-tuned for an update which will make this more stackable. This is designed to be an infinitely (within reason) stackable module to provide free space. The bottom slot should hold two of the controllers for stepper motors for the SMARS stepper motor version, the arduino uno goes in the top and the battery goes....well we're still figuring that out. The dimensions of the two square controllers for the stepper motors are: 35.3mm x 31.3mm. So the bottom slot is /supposed/ to hold two of those..haven't printed to test yet. Because the 28BYJ-48 on amazon are very cheap and come with a motor controller, building the stepper variant can dramatically reduce cost of the robot which is helpful in a class environment where many are being created. The goal of this module is streamline the creation of the lowest possible cost SMARS. Please note there is a variant included which has a remix of retakozono's battery tray built into stackable chassis.