Ziggo horizon box leg extension
If you happen to have a Ziggo horizon box with record function you know it can get pretty hot. The samsung powersupply inside will generate a lot of heat and the box has some forced air system to get rid of it. From the bottom it sucks air in and via the right side it will blow it out by fan.Since the front and back are more or less level with the surface it is standing on the only way to get fresh air is from the bottom sides. And because mine is in a partially enclosed kabinet the hot air on the right side will get sucked back in on the right bottom. Just a little is sucked in from the bottom left. To try to give the unit a bit more fresh air I elevated the box by designing leg extenders. Just push them firm onto the stubby stands until they are 1 mm from the bottom plate of the box. I made two versions. One with a flat surface and one with a little recess on the bottom if you want to use them with a little patch of sticky felt to prevent scratches on the surface the box is standing on. The support material is easy removed by using a small screwdriver