Scythe Faction Lids
Not really sure what happened to the 3D images, they look a lot better than that, more like the screenshots i took. These are lids that go with: "Scythe Organizer for original Box (contains All Expansions and Ad-Ons)" By: NickNitro I did not have all the dials i only had the 2 that came with the basic set, so i filled the holes in the lids from the above link and put in the logos for each faction. I am printing now and will post pics of the final product when they are finished. Will update upon completion. Update: 9/2/18 finished printing 2 of them, both had heated build plates, the yellow was without a raft the blue was with a raft. Blue: i am still new to printing with a heated build plate and i didn't let it cool long enough before trying to separate it from the raft so some minor defects around the edges and some discoloration occurred. Yellow: printed this with a heated build plate and without a raft turned out great!. lids are pretty thin but get the job done, personally i think these look great and will print the rest for each of the factions. hope this helps, enjoy