MPCNC 525 Laser Holder for 2.8W laser w/ fan and line lasers

MPCNC 525 Laser Holder for 2.8W laser w/ fan and line lasers


This is a MPCNC 525 mount for the JTech 2.8 Watt laser Some new additions in the new version are a block to hold a loc-line hose for air assist, and a post to hold a #6 screw that could be used with a touch Z-probe. I used brand name loc-line hose, knock-offs seem to be slightly different dimensions and you may be able to get them to fit. I'm still testing the right combination of loc-line for great cuts, but air assist is a huge improvement over not having any. For the air source I got a fish tank air pump, the one with the most pressure I could find, 0.035Mpa, it seems to have plenty of pressure and not super noisy. Sourcing a long enough #6 screw for the touch probe was a bit more of a challenge than I expected, I finally found some 4" long ones on amazon. While a touch probe is not necessary, It allows me to be a bit lazy when swapping out material and I needed something long so the air assist nozzles wouldn't be in the way. There is a split in the block to allow you to route the cable to the laser through without having to disassemble the laser module or fish feet of cable through. It also includes nut-traps on the back to hold the laser, the nut-traps are deep enough to accommodate #6 nylon stop nuts. The nut-traps are very snug, you may have to pull them in without the laser in place first.






