Print in Place Schoolbox!

Print in Place Schoolbox!


"Daddy, I'm so excited for my first day of 1st grade tomorrow! You got the schoolbox for my crayons, right?" "Of course, I wouldn't forget that!" Another lie you've told your child. How did you become this monster? After years of psyching her up for school, that day is finally here. You were at the store, sure, but there was that great sale on hairspray and frog tape that you just had to have to further your 3D printing exploits. There was also a really good sale on a PS4 game. She tagged along, watching the excitement in your eyes, just like the excitement you see in her eyes now. In a way, both are self serving, and on the other end, slight disappointment. You get her to bed, wondering what to do. Can you cobble together something quick? can you find a cardboard box that can hold the crayons? Who really needs a schoolbox anyway? Isn't it just a box to hold another box? You're through with excuses. That's not you. Is that the attitude Kennedy had when faced with the challenge of sending humanity to the moon? I think not. You've got a plan. Design it, build it, and do it quickly and quietly so that your child doesn't realize the lie and the failure at the store earlier. It's the AMERICAN way! But you also need your beauty rest. Can't you just get a box that comes fully assembled when printed? You take to your computer and start clicking away. Soon enough you have a design. With a few extra fillets to make it all smooth, you print that bad boy up, saving the day, so that your secret can be kept. UPDATE: She awoke the next day, excited to see the school box open and shut. Back and forth it went, each time with a satisfying click. A click that reminded her of just how right the box felt in her hand. After a few more open and shuts, another unexpected click emerged. Much like her father's promise, the hinge had broken. Devastated and filled with regret in his design, her father returned from work with a mission. Operation HINGE-FIX (It sounded better in his head). He redesigned the box, with his child looking over his shoulder. "Can I go now?" "No child, you must learn! You seem the printer has a bit of difficulty printing the little pins and we need to beef it up and design it for the printer a bit better." "But daddy I want to do my homework!" "How will you do your homework without proper support design in your schoolbox?" "..." A few hours later, the second version was released, and the joy of learning could continue. Update: For larger clearances, choose the one that ends in "redone"!






