Overton Style Car for OS-Railway - Fully 3D-printable railway system

Overton Style Car for OS-Railway - Fully 3D-printable railway system


This is based on a request, and a bit quick and dirty! A one-evening project! :) It is an Overton-style passenger car that is based on my other passenger car design. It shares the same boogie. Please read here for more information: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2591362 I will publish more information about this one as soon as I can. UPDATE! I did a huge error in the design, the body actually ends up outside the chassis! How could I miss something so obvious!? :S Now it's fixed, the chassis is extended 1mm to all sides and I've added a longer support edge on the inside so that the body will be easier to glue! :) EDIT: Forgot to include chassis and the side rib on the first upload, they are added now!







R/C Vehicles