Prusa i3 X 17mm Mount with Anti Backlash

Prusa i3 X 17mm Mount with Anti Backlash


I have created a Z axis motor mount with anti backlash using standard M8 nuts and a spring. I am trying to improve the smooth X axis version published on thingiverse ( There is still some work to be done on the X endstop. If you cannot wait, you can easily find a part for your endstop on thingiverse. I am using the A8 E3D Bowden MODULAR X Carriage V4 *BEST ONE* ( with these parts. I am using the tensioner from the smooth X axis link above. I printed them but I haven't tried them yet because I am waiting for delivery of LM8UU bearings. You will need the following. 2 x M8 or T8 Threaded Rod 4 x M8 Nuts 2 x Compression Springs with 9-10mm dia and 20mm length If you find these parts useful or if you have any suggestions please let me know.



