Compaq 610 extra cooling fan

Compaq 610 extra cooling fan


As my laptop computer get really hot when I use it hard, I added an extra fan at the ram opening under the computer. You probably know that hot computers are not performing as cool running ones, so it is important to keep temperatures down as much as possible. Now it is really cooling well, at normal use it is completely cold while before it was warm even when idling. It may even be that it's internal fan is not working like before, but now it cools really well. When using lot of cpu it gets warm but not even like when before was in standby. It is extracting air from the opening, not blowing into it. The ram compartment opening is different on most of the laptops, but in case you need some extra cooling this modification can be adapted to others. There are two files here, one where the fan is fully enclosed (it blows air into the ram compartment) and one with just the supports for the fan (that suck air out of the compartment). I tested both ways and sucking air out cools much more, so it is the way I would recommend. I used and old USB cable I had laying around and wired the fan to it; you should find 4 wires, you need just plus and minus, that should be red and black. Wires on the fan too, black and red. I don't know for which computer the fan was, but I enclosed a picture, I bought it online and you can find some links down the page. I made some new feet too, (, to keep the computer higher from the table. This is a link to eBay for the type of <a target="_blank" href="">cooling fan</a><img style="text-decoration:none;border:0;padding:0;margin:0;" src="[CACHEBUSTER]"> I used. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I created these links where you can find all common filaments and spare parts at the best prices. These are just links to selected eBay and Aliexpress items, where I normally buy spare parts and materials for my printer, prices are excellent and products are good. If you buy something from here you will support me a little bit to make these projects. <a target="_blank" href="">1Kg PLA Filament - eBay</a><src="[CACHEBUSTER]"> <a target="_blank" href="">1Kg ABS Filament - eBay</a><src="[CACHEBUSTER]"> <a target="_blank" href="">1Kg TPU Filament - eBay</a><src="[CACHEBUSTER]"> <a target="_blank" href="">1Kg PET Filament - eBay</a><src="[CACHEBUSTER]"> <a target="_blank" href="">Complete extruders - eBay</a><src="[CACHEBUSTER]"> <a target="_blank" href="">Heat blocks and heaters - Aliexpress</a> <a target="_blank" href="">Standard nozzles - eBay</a><src="[CACHEBUSTER]"> - <a target="_blank" href="">Standard nozzles Aliexpress</a> <a target="_blank" href="">Volcano nozzles - eBay</a><src="[CACHEBUSTER]"> - <a target="_blank" href="">Volcano nozzles - Aliexpress</a> <a target="_blank" href="">GT2 pulleys - eBay</a><src="[CACHEBUSTER]"> - <a target="_blank" href="">GT2 pulleys - Aliexpress</a> <a target="_blank" href="">GT2 belts - eBay</a><src="[CACHEBUSTER]"> - <a target="_blank" href="">GT2 belts - Aliexpress</a> <a target="_blank" href="">Linear bearings LM series - eBay</a><src="[CACHEBUSTER]"> - <a target="_blank" href="">Linear bearings LM series - Aliexpress</a> <a target="_blank" href="">NEMA 17 step motors - eBay</a><src="[CACHEBUSTER]"> - <a target="_blank" href="">NEMA 17 step motors - Aliexpress</a> <a target="_blank" href="">3d pen - eBay</a><src="[CACHEBUSTER]"> <a target="_self" href="">100$-200$ 3D printers - eBay</a><src="[CACHEBUSTER]"> - <a target="_self" href="">100$-200$ 3D printers - Aliexpress</a> <a target="_self" href="">200$-300$ 3D printers - eBay</a><src="[CACHEBUSTER]"> - <a target="_self" href="">200$-300$ 3D printers - Aliexpress</a> <a target="_self" href="">300$-500$ 3D printers - eBay</a><src="[CACHEBUSTER]"> - <a target="_self" href="">300$-500$ 3D printers - Aliexpress</a> <a target="_self" href="">500$-1000$ 3D printers - eBay</a><src="[CACHEBUSTER]"> - <a target="_self" href="">500$-1000$ 3D printers - Aliexpress</a> <a target="_self" href="">1000$-2000$ 3D printers - eBay</a><src="[CACHEBUSTER]"> - <a target="_self" href=" ">1000$-2000$ 3D printers - Aliexpress</a> <a target="_blank" href="">2000$ - 5000$ 3D printers - eBay</a><src="[CACHEBUSTER]"> - <a target="_self" href="">2000$-5000$ 3D printers - Aliexpress</a> <a target="_blank" href="">Filament extruding machine - eBay</a><src="[CACHEBUSTER]"> - <a target="_blank" href="">Filament extruding machine - Aliexpress</a> <a target="_blank" href="">Pellets for extruding machine</a><src="[CACHEBUSTER]"> <a target="_blank" href="" target="_parent">Aliexpress Coupon</a>






