Nerf Stryfe - OJ Motor Cover

Nerf Stryfe - OJ Motor Cover


Update 2-5-2019: Added older motor cover design I used to use (motorcover-plain.STL), in case anyone needs it. I don't recommend it over the current design though. Update 1-2-2019: I extended the default interior size a bit, since I set it awkwardly low initially. This is my current Stryfe motor cover design, with a snug but comfortable fit! With this design, installation should be quick! Just add superglue or drill holes and add screws (I may eventually do a variant with screw holes already in place to guide drilling.) and it'll be good to go! The source CAD file is an absolute mess, but it's what I have and such is the cost of learning how to CAD. Comes in 2 variants. You might wish to use V2 if you have a glass bed and want to flaunt it! License is simple: If you modify it, share it, especially if you sell it! Basically DBAD and give back to the community!



