ThingPulse ESP8266 WiFi Color Display Kit Case with Stand
Description I purchased this kit from ThingPulse and was bummed out there wasn't a case from ThingPulse for it. I found this design I remixed heavily by haleyma and tweaked it to be smaller and a bit less material to print. I also wanted to cover more of the screen's edges and make it a bit more modular with a removable stand. The case I design is in 3 parts. A front for the assembled kit with the attached display, a back fastened with four M2x8 screws that hold the assembled kit in place. I also added a removable foot/stand that will hold the case at a 10-degree angle for sitting it on a desk to better view the screen. The micro USB plug cutout should be large enough to accommodate most cables. I installed the weather station code from ThingPulse: Enjoy!