Prusa MK3 Nozzle Fan Holder R3 Revision
I just finished building my second Prusa MK3 kit and it came with the R3 revised parts. After completing the assembly I decided to redesign the Nozzle Fan Holder. The original holder only used one of the fastener openings to mount the fan, the other opening just looked too lonely without a fastener. Also it's easy to rotate the fan assembly since its only mounted using one fastener. This updated part reuses Pursa hardware and mounts the fan securely in place. Parts Needed- One M3x10 fastener to mount the holder to the extruder body. Two M3nN nyloc nuts seated into the holder. Two M3x18 fasteners to secure the fan to the mount. To seat the nyloc nuts in the fan holder use an M3 fastener from the other side, as you start to tighten the fastener, it will pull the nut in. Share a picture if you make one!