TronXY P802MA servo Z probe for glass beds
I was using a ~$1K 3D printer through my work and got hooked. When I changed jobs, I looked for something cheap but usable to feed my addiction and settled on the TronXY P802MA, a "Prusa knock-off", because it was inexpensive, came with a heated bed and an induction Z probe sensor. A great printer by the way that has been as good or better than the more expensive one and very customizable. The one thing I really missed was the heated glass bed. Working with the blue tape gets old very quickly. I picked up one of the inexpensive glass plates, but the inductive probe that came with the TronXY did not have enough range to work with the glass. I played around with a capacitive sensor, that worked great with the glass, but, boy was it inaccurate. I was thinking that I was going to have to go to an 18mm inductive sensor, when I saw a reference to aeropic's optical Z probe sensor and knew that I had to make one. ------------------------------ The original design doesn't quite fit correctly with the P802MA's metal plate holding the print head assembly, so I modified it so the lower flange sits on the same side as the main body and fits in the gap between the back plate and the mounting plate. I also extended that flange so that it connects with the X end stop sooner giving a little more room for the IR sensor cable. Since I was modifying, I also added mounting blocks for the servo motor and a support structure for them so you don't need to print with supports. The other change that I made was to make the arm for the servo longer and made the probe cover longer as the servo mount moves it back and over a bit. ------------------------ I am using the TCST2103 IR sensor and a piece of coat hanger for the probe. ----------------------- I haven't really tweaked it to get optimum performance, but initially, it is outperforming the inductive sensor with the following M48 results: M48 Z-Probe Repeatability Test Finished! Mean: -0.392000 Min: -0.400 Max: -0.383 Range: 0.017 Standard Deviation: 0.0061052 ------------------------- Lastly, a huge shout out to aeropic for the design, for using OpenSCAD (my favorite 3D design tool) and for including the OpenSCAD source files!