Customizable "cubic bezier" terapeutic shoe insert

Customizable "cubic bezier" terapeutic shoe insert


This is a customizable shoe insert or can be used to make a new sole for your shoes, or even make the sole of a flip-flop... To adapt it to you size, you should use the "SCALE" option, knowing that the base file produce a footprint 255mm in length and 103mm in the widest part. You can customize every curve but it may be a little tricky, maybe difficult using Thingiverse customizer as the viewing is not very detailed, but if you use Openscad it may be easier, change the coordinates of the cubic bezier curves start and end points, beiing careful that they match. It is made of 8 bezier curves sections and it is all defined by 25 points. As there is a little bit of fiddling to match the start and end points of each section, the easiest way is to use the scale and size it up or down. At the end of the file, there are a list of points I used to trace the outline of my footprint and they are disabled, just remove the "*" and they will be visible on the screen. The best way is to put your foot on a paper sheet and draw the outline, then transfer the coordinates to the reference points and then model the bezier curves. Each curve is made of 4 control points: start, control1, control2, end. Start and end points are roughly the points where the curves start and end, the control points adjust the curvature of the line at each end. Update: Corrected problems with joining start and end points and added the possibility to show the Bezier curves control points. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I created these links where you can find all common filaments and spare parts at the best prices. These are just links to selected eBay and Aliexpress items, where I normally buy spare parts and materials for my printer, prices are excellent and products are good. If you buy something from here you will support me a little bit to make these projects. <a target="_blank" href="">1Kg PLA Filament - eBay</a><src="[CACHEBUSTER]"> <a target="_blank" href="">1Kg ABS Filament - eBay</a><src="[CACHEBUSTER]"> <a target="_blank" href="">1Kg TPU Filament - eBay</a><src="[CACHEBUSTER]"> <a target="_blank" href="">1Kg PET Filament - eBay</a><src="[CACHEBUSTER]"> <a target="_blank" href="">Complete extruders - eBay</a><src="[CACHEBUSTER]"> <a target="_blank" href="">Heat blocks and heaters - Aliexpress</a> <a target="_blank" href="">Standard nozzles - eBay</a><src="[CACHEBUSTER]"> - <a target="_blank" href="">Standard nozzles Aliexpress</a> <a target="_blank" href="">Volcano nozzles - eBay</a><src="[CACHEBUSTER]"> - <a target="_blank" href="">Volcano nozzles - Aliexpress</a> <a target="_blank" href="">GT2 pulleys - eBay</a><src="[CACHEBUSTER]"> - <a target="_blank" href="">GT2 pulleys - Aliexpress</a> <a target="_blank" href="">GT2 belts - eBay</a><src="[CACHEBUSTER]"> - <a target="_blank" href="">GT2 belts - Aliexpress</a> <a target="_blank" href="">Linear bearings LM series - eBay</a><src="[CACHEBUSTER]"> - <a target="_blank" href="">Linear bearings LM series - Aliexpress</a> <a target="_blank" href="">NEMA 17 step motors - eBay</a><src="[CACHEBUSTER]"> - <a target="_blank" href="">NEMA 17 step motors - Aliexpress</a> <a target="_blank" href="">3d pen - eBay</a><src="[CACHEBUSTER]"> <a target="_self" href="">100$-200$ 3D printers - eBay</a><src="[CACHEBUSTER]"> - <a target="_self" href="">100$-200$ 3D printers - Aliexpress</a> <a target="_self" href="">200$-300$ 3D printers - eBay</a><src="[CACHEBUSTER]"> - <a target="_self" href="">200$-300$ 3D printers - Aliexpress</a> <a target="_self" href="">300$-500$ 3D printers - eBay</a><src="[CACHEBUSTER]"> - <a target="_self" href="">300$-500$ 3D printers - Aliexpress</a> <a target="_self" href="">500$-1000$ 3D printers - eBay</a><src="[CACHEBUSTER]"> - <a target="_self" href="">500$-1000$ 3D printers - Aliexpress</a> <a target="_self" href="">1000$-2000$ 3D printers - eBay</a><src="[CACHEBUSTER]"> - <a target="_self" href=" ">1000$-2000$ 3D printers - Aliexpress</a> <a target="_blank" href="">2000$ - 5000$ 3D printers - eBay</a><src="[CACHEBUSTER]"> - <a target="_self" href="">2000$-5000$ 3D printers - Aliexpress</a> <a target="_blank" href="">Filament extruding machine - eBay</a><src="[CACHEBUSTER]"> - <a target="_blank" href="">Filament extruding machine - Aliexpress</a> <a target="_blank" href="">Pellets for extruding machine</a><src="[CACHEBUSTER]"> <a target="_blank" href="" target="_parent">Aliexpress Coupon</a>






