Seed Tray - 15x15mm Inlays

Seed Tray - 15x15mm Inlays


As a hobby gardener, I find it a nuisance to use the huge seed trays for commercial use, as they often have 200+ cells and thus, a lot of rows need labeling and I can only group plants by temperature and humidity needs in large quantities. As I often only want to grow 10 - 40 of one plant type, I've created smaller seed tray inlays from 16 to 64 cells with an outer size of 15x15mm per cell. This way I can plant and process in smaller batches and have a more modular approach in how to arrange the groups in the small glass incubators, which also enables me to cater to different humidity and temperature needs of a wide variety of seeds :) They are designed to hopefully be re-useable a lot, thus the extra support beams at the base, preventing too much warping or stress on the material when working with the trays. The little compactor tool is probably only necessary if wearing thick gardening gloves ;)



