Simple LiIon 18650 4S Battery Spacer
I needed some 18650 battery spacers to make a 4S LiIon pack for my S800 Sky Shadow Wing and have printed a few from here which clip together, but unfortunately due to the shape of them the corners make it impossible for me to close the canopy on the Wing. My goal was to simply make a spacer which was designed for 4S from the offset so it didn't need extra material for the clips, and to round the corners so that it would fit easily inside this Wing. This should work on other planes and Wings too and will keep the battery pack size to a minimum. If you decide to print this I found that hot glueing the batteries into the holders works the best for me and kept the batteries in place without moving about. If anyone has any suggestions for improvements feel free to message me. I might also make other sizes EG 3S or 6S ect.