Windows Mixed Reality Grip
I designed a Windows Mixed Reality grip that fits the controller snugly but securely for the Acer WMR AH101, but it should also work for other Windows controllers, such as the HP variant. . The reason was the wrist strap used to catch on the partner's watches and bracelets and she hated it whilst trying to win at BeatSaber. I was not a fan of something dangling off my wrist at the best of times either. So this version removes the need for the wrist strap, opting for a ring-finger elastic band that keeps it all quite safe but still useful. It also keeps the battery cover on securely so it doesn't slip off all the time, as well as providing a better grip to hold onto. Simply print out two, and attach a wide piece of elastic material into the slot and sew up securely according to your fit. Don't make it too small otherwise you may strangle a finger or two. NOTE: I have been advised that some people may need to print at 98% or 99% because the controller was not a snug fit. However, it should be added that I leave part of the elastic loop dangling inside the print as I slide the controller in, and it catches and fits snugly against the elastic. (This way I can adjust the fit of the elastic if it is too loose or too tight)